Don't you miss it? Consumerism is at an all time low!

Consumerism is gone.

Why all the change? It's because companies are making the switch from being judged by profit to being judged by the value they bring to the world. As more companies seek to add value, they push less to actually sell you things and consumerism dives.

This causes a huge chain reaction of human oriented behavior. Better user interfaces, more relevant content, fewer ads, and most of all, less effort to get people like you to buy things.

Of course, this makes it much harder for companies to stay in business because they still need to break even. So many are resorting to lowering the costs of production while still keeping the quality at an all time high. Take for instance, the first paragraph of the following computer generated news article:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum saepe, excepturi exercitationem natus quae, vero, voluptas officiis quisquam iusto ratione sequi temporibus. Consequuntur voluptatum illo, ullam quas omnis enim voluptatem.

And because articles are becoming cheaper to make, companies can produce even more quality content. Here's what the CEO of ACME has to say about this phenomenon:

It's amazing.

We can only hope this retreat in consumerism is going to make things even more amazing.

And if you (yes, you) want to help make things amazing, you can join the initiative: